Request an air transfer
I work within the NHS
To request an air transfer, please call 0300 140 9980. For more information about our air transfer service, please click here.
Initial steps

Charlotte from Lia's Wings will take initial information from you about the child that needs transferring.

Charlotte will liaise with the clinical teams at our air ambulance partners, so they can understand more about the child's current condition.

We will work with our NHS transport partners to plan the air transfer and will be in touch if we require further information.

You will be sent our Flight Referral Pack to fill in.
My child needs an air transfer within the UK
If your child is admitted to a UK hospital, their medical team will arrange your child’s air transfer with Lia’s Wings, but you can get in touch with us at any point for support and guidance. Please email or call 0300 140 9980. For more information about your child's air transfer and the support we can offer your family, please visit our Family Hub.
My child needs an air transfer from overseas back to the UK
Lia’s Wings is a charity that supports British children who need an urgent air transfer whilst overseas. We can provide an air ambulance transfer home and help integrate them back into NHS care. We can assist your family whether you have the correct travel insurance or not. Click here for more information.