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Help us bring Sienna-Rose home after a crisis abroad

Sienna-Rose flying to Cancun with her family
Sienna-Rose flying to Cancun with her family

During a family holiday in Cancun, 19-month-old Sienna-Rose suffered a brain hemorrhage and swelling, requiring urgent life-saving surgery to remove a longstanding blood clot, described by doctors as a "ticking time bomb." This ordeal transformed a relaxing holiday into a nightmare. Natasha, Sienna-Rose’s mother, shared the emotional toll of the situation, stating, "It's been absolutely horrendous. She is the most happy, lovely little baby. To see her like this is absolutely horrendous. I would never wish what we are going through on anyone." Watch the ITV News story below to hear directly from Natasha as she shares more about their challenging situation and the urgency of bringing Sienna-Rose back to the UK.

Video courtesy of ITV News, originally broadcast on 10/03/25

Lia’s Wings steps in

Recognising the severity of Sienna-Rose's condition and the need for specialist medical care, the family’s network reached out to our charity, Lia's Wings, the only organisation equipped with the experience and expertise to assist in such complex cases. We are coordinating the intricate details of her air ambulance transfer and ensuring a smooth integration back into NHS care. We're also providing comprehensive 24/7 support to her family as they manage Sienna-Rose’s healthcare and condition while she remains in Mexico. To the family's relief, we have contributed £20,000 towards the costs of the air transfer, securing Sienna-Rose’s safe return home.

Lia’s Wings CEO, Charlotte Young, says:

“As the only charity dedicated to helping families stranded abroad with a critically ill child, we understand the profound challenges and isolation these situations can bring. We are providing crucial guidance and support alongside financial assistance and managing the intricate logistics required for her air ambulance transfer home and her integration into NHS care for ongoing support.
"We're immensely grateful for the generous donations toward her air transfer and for the kindness shown to her family. Your support is vital in helping us bring her back to the UK, where she can continue receiving the essential treatment and care she needs. Thank you so much for your support.”

How you can help

Without support from their insurer, Sienna-Rose’s family are having to raise funds to cover her air transfer, which will cost £119,000 and her ongoing medical bills, which are incredibly high and will continue until we can fly Sienna-Rose home.

If you are able, please consider making a donation towards Sienna-Rose’s air transfer home. We want Sienna-Rose to access the most appropriate paediatric care back in the UK, surrounded by her family and friends – your support can make this happen.

There are two ways you can support Sienna-Rose’s family:

  1. Donate through our website (please mention Sienna-Rose when donating)

  2. Donate through the family's GoFundMe page.

Thank you so much for supporting Sienna-Rose and her family.

Media comment

For the most up-to-date information on Sienna-Rose’s situation, please check our social media account or the family’s GoFundMe page, where there will be regular updates. For media inquiries or to request a comment on this story, please contact us at or call 0300 140 9980. We are happy to provide additional information.

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